Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Inauguration: "State of Emergency"

In other words, we need more money. As if 30 million isn't enough for the overly lavish inaugration ceremony, at a time when our country is bankrupt and our economy is sinking into oblivion. It's being sold as an additional measure to "protect the public", as if every police officer on the east coast, flanked by 11,000 National Guard troops, all armed with automatic weapons, is somehow inefficient for the mass of hypotized sheep that will descend on Washington.

Hey, a lot of states are struggling right now, why not all 50 states declare a "state of emergency" to get some extra Federal paper. Oh wait, I think California has already done that. I wonder how credit card companies would react if their consumers called with a "state of household emergency" and demanded an extension on their payments. Yeah, that would go over well.

After all, this is the Federal Monarchy, and by god they will do whatever they want.


WASHINGTON - President George W. Bush on Tuesday declared an emergency in the District of Columbia that will let the nation's capital tap deeper into federal coffers for Barack Obama's inauguration.

Bush said that an emergency exists and ordered federal aid to supplement the $15 million in federal funds already appropriated for the event.

White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said District of Columbia Mayor Adrian M. Fenty requested the emergency declaration on Jan. 7 because he decided that the crowds expected for the nation's 56th presidential inauguration would exceed the city's ability to protect the public.

If the extra money is needed, it will come from the Federal Emergency and Management Agency budget, Stanzel said.

In a statement, the White House said the assistance is available to the district for emergency measures to protect public health and safety.

Fenty and others have said millions could descend on Washington for the inauguration.

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